
Ordinary yet extraordinary, colorful and clear, Quartz crystals are the most common and abundant in the world, comprising the largest and most diverse family in the mineral kingdom. Composed of silicon and oxygen (silicon dioxide), Quartz, from the European “quarz“, is a key component in a wide array of minerals designated as “silicates.” It occurs as prismatic hexagonal crystals in compact masses and druses, as well as in dense fibrous or grainy formations without visible crystals. It is also an important mineral element in common rock such as granite, quartzite and gneiss, and in sedimentary conglomerates like sandstone.


For all its variety, when most people speak of “crystals”, they are usually referring to Rock Crystal (Clear Quartz), the six-sided prisms of pure light and energy known as the Perfect Jewel. In its sparkling light is contained the entire color spectrum.

Why we love this gemstone


Quartz is the second-most-abundant mineral in Earth’s continental crust, after feldspar and its abundant colors produce many gemstone types.